Building extension proposal for a public highschool

CEIP Piedras Rubias Pontevedra

The volumetry proposed for the extension of the center aims to establish a coherent and dynamic dialogue with the built environment and the landscape of the area. A new building is proposed whose geometry and materiality generate new integrating relationships, in an environment characterized by the existence of isolated buildings and abundant areas of native vegetation.

Among the strategies with which the proposal is aligned, it is worth highlighting the integrations in the physical and social environments of the project, reinforcing the feeling of community to overcome the merely institutional approach of the facility. These integrations are proposed based on criteria of safe and universal accessibility for all users in terms of the interior and exterior relations of the center and seeking at all times a spatiality that absorbs a program of permeable uses, fundamentally in the common areas where circulations are the common thread of the proposed program.

One last aspect to point out is the objective of achieving the maximum inclusion and accessibility possible throughout the entire proposal, seeking spaces that are cognitively accessible and easily understood by all types of users. A simple, easy-to-orientate spatial configuration is proposed, taking into account sensory diversity and motor difficulties that can hinder the normal use of architecture. Well-lit spaces are proposed, eliminating architectural barriers